Coffee Mug V2 For Stopmotion 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-SA
File formats: stl
Download type: zip

The file 'Coffee Mug V2 For Stopmotion 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 5.4MB.


This is an update of my Coffee Mug for Stopmotion. Included is the original mug design and updated coffee inserts to create a four frame sequence.

After printing, remove imperfections by sanding an then apply the base/top coat. In my local Hammerbarn, I found a gloss brown rattle can that was a good match for coffee with milk. For the mug, I applied undercoat, painted my design using acrylic and then applied a clear top coat.

CoffeeMug_High.stl 6.9MB
CoffeeMug_Medium.stl 2.5MB
Coffee_Flat.stl 266.8KB
Coffee_Wave_1.stl 338.5KB
Coffee_Wave_2.stl 392.7KB
Coffee_Wave_3.stl 361.1KB
Coffee_Wave_4.stl 405.4KB
Insert.stl 440.9KB