This thing/printable is a shelf designed to mount into my cnc enclosure. Its built out of aluminium extrusion and 3D printed brackets. The brackets can be found individually along with more types in the following printables/things pages.
20x20x20_Slot_Bracket.stl | 6.5KB | |
Back_Panel.dxf | 2.3KB | |
Clip.stl | 9.7KB | |
Front_Panel.dxf | 2.3KB | |
M5_20x20x20_Right_Angle_Bracket_v4.stl | 20.6KB | |
M5_40x40x20_Corner_Bracket_v2.stl | 41.9KB | |
M5_40x40x20_SideBracket_v2.stl | 28.0KB | |
Technical_Drawing.pdf | 528.4KB |