Turn my calculator in to a clock - ergo clockulator..
Stupid? yes
useless? yes
but awesome clock is't it..
(some may call it clock.exe 2.0 - installed in system32..)
non printed parts:
(if you need exact measurement post a comment and i will get them)...
casio calculator
2 mini servos
PES-TU1939 12v solenoids (found in some old printer i had..)
pointer made of anything than can have a screw and is long enough
controlling the solenoid with arduino:
relay 5v control 12v output
diode..(standerd relay control circuit)
1_bottom.stl | 83.6KB | |
2_spring_holder.stl | 55.5KB | |
3_electro_magnet_holder.stl | 317.2KB | |
4_bottom_pointer.stl | 132.6KB | |
5_middle_pointer.stl | 55.2KB | |
6_top_pointer.stl | 114.3KB | |
7_calc_holder.stl | 211.3KB | |
assembled.stl | 972.5KB | |
Presentation1.pptx | 694.0KB |