The file 'Clean Ender 3 Enclosure (with Instructions!), Plenty Of Underspace 3D Printer Model' is (docx,stl) file type, size is 4.9 MB.
This is an enclosure I made for my Ender 3. I was getting frustrated with other enclosures since there were very poor instructions and tons of files.
Below are the entire instructions for construction, to help you out. I've also only included the files that you need for this. Additionally, there should be two Word documents (one with directions, and one with accompanying images) for your use.
If there are any updates, I'll put them here.
Expect updates for:
-updated filament hole guide
Update (4/12/19): I used the same magnetic door catch for the side doors as for the front door. When installing, make sure the two components are in contact first, then securing to the plexiglass and the pillars next.
Update (6/20/19)
Plexi glass sizes used:
2x (22.5 x 53.5)mm (size for double doors)
1x (44 x 53.5)mm (size for large side door)
2x (44.5 x 53.5)mm (size for back panels)
With that being said, please build your enclosure first, then measure once, measure twice, and then measure again before ordering/cutting plexiglass. I made sure there was a little bit of wiggle room for the doors/hinges so they don't rub against each other or the pillars.
Please leave comments for others with tips, or comments for me if there is anything that is unclear/was overlooked.
Ender_3_Enclosure_Directions.docx |
Ender_3_Enclosure_Pictures_by_Croctpus.docx |
FilamentGuide.stl |
filament_hole_guide_bottom.stl |
filament_hole_guide_top.stl |
left_handle.stl |
left_spacer.stl |
left_top_cover.stl |
right_handle.stl |
right_spacer.stl |
right_top_cover.stl |
v2double_blocker.stl |
v2double_holder.stl |
v2single_blocker_single_holder_1.stl |
v2single_blocker_single_holder_2.stl |