Circus – Ticket Trailer 2 (z-scale) 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-NC-SA
File formats: stl
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Circus - Ticket trailer 2 (z-scale)

Paint to your taste.

I use 3 different methods how to print and paint vehicles:

  • use white (or whatever colored filament) for print 
- apply the basic color of choice
- paint the windows with black color (I typically use acrylic markers for this, e.g. Posca or 
    • add the details (here I use also acrylic markers, e.g. silver (Edding is perfect) for the front
    • to finalize apply (glossy) clear coat
      (This is my favorite method)

b) - use filament of the intended color of the model

  • apply (matte) clear coat (to avoid bleeding of the colors applied later)
  • paint the windows with black color (I typically use acrylic markers for this, e.g. Posca or 
  • add the details (here I use also acrylic markers, e.g. silver (Edding is perfect) for the front
  • to finalize apply (glossy) clear coat
    (This method is quicker, but the color options are not so numerous)

c) - use transparent filament

  • apply (matte) clear coat (to avoid bleeding of the colors applied later)
  • protect window areas with liquid mask, e.g. from Vallejo, before applying the further paint
  • scratch off the liquid mask after the paint has dried
  • add the details (here I use also acrylic markers, e.g. silver (Edding is perfect) for the front
  • to finalize apply (glossy) clear coat
    (This method gives the „most realistic“ result, but the after scratching quite a lot of detailed
    corrections are needed)
t253a.stl 392.5KB
t253b.stl 43.8KB
t253c.stl 42.3KB
t253d.stl 112.1KB
t253e.stl 34.6KB