Added: Potentiometer, Lamp & Battery Pack.
These are some simple circuit symbol / logo decals to label your component draws.
They are 3mm high and between 15mm and 35mm wide.
I'm happy to create/add any others, so let know.
The Raspberry Pi Logo will need to be printed using a .2mm nozzle (or scale to 1.25)
The screw symbol is supposed to printed with a transparent base, so you'll need a dual extruder for that or you can just print it in the same colour. It also needs a .2 nozzle or you can scale it up to 1.5 for x & y.
Some of these are remixed from BreadBoardBakings cookie stamps.
Arduino.stl |
Battery.stl |
Battery2.stl |
Battery_Pack.stl |
Capacitor.stl |
Chip.stl |
Connector.stl |
Diode.stl |
Lamp.stl |
LED.stl |
Potentiometer.stl |
Potentiometer2.stl |
RaspberryPi.stl |
Resistor.stl |
Screw_Btm.stl |
Screw_Top.stl |
Switch.stl |
Transistor_NPN.stl |
Transistor_PNP.stl |