CircleSquareTriangle 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY
File formats: STEP,STL
Download type: zip

The file 'CircleSquareTriangle 3D Printer Model' is (STEP,STL) file type, size is 34.4KB.


A simple example of projected shapes. This shape was a teaching example used to explain basic cad views to students during a college CAD course.

The single object contains a circle, a square, and a triangle. Print one of each component to get a physical representation of shape projection.

No supports are required, Minimal infill is required on the frame to ensure the top surface is of decent visual quality.

SquareCircleTriangle.STEP 16.8KB
SquareCircleTriangle.STL 57.1KB
SquareCircleTriangleFrame.STEP 37.3KB
SquareCircleTriangleFrame.STL 37.8KB