The file 'Cigarette Box/Battery Holder Hinged Single Print 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 172.34 KB.
This is a box designed to open and latch much like a pack of cigarettes and print in a single run, originally made to hold three 18650 batteries this box can also hold small packs of cigarettes such as camel wides, providing extra support for the ever so frail cancer sticks.
Fair warning: Has been successfully printed with very 'slight' issues with overhang WITHOUT supports, this is mainly due to the fact when printing on its side to successfully print the hinges without fail, the gap created inside can cause slight issues with sagging when no supports are used.
If everything comes out great then you have a very sturdy reliable little box with working hinges and latch.
Cigarrette_Box.stl |