Chahakobi Ningyo (Tea Serving Automaton) 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-SA
File formats: stl
Download type: zip

The file 'Chahakobi Ningyo (Tea Serving Automaton) 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 2.1MB.


This is a Karakuri Ningyo specifically a Chahakobi Ningyo. This is a 16th-19th century automaton used to deliver tea for the Japanese aristocracy back in the Edo era. I have tried to faithfully recreate the design from a few real examples and the diagrams left by the designers of the automatons. I did have to make some concessions to make it printable without any supports. All that is required other than the printed parts are string, rubber-bands, super glue. You can use paperclips as an axle for the front wheel and rod to secure the head but a 28mm rod that I have provided in the STL will work as well. My intention is to make these projects extremely accessible.


Updates are pending

The machine has close to the real functionality as is but at a later date I will add pieces that will turn the front wheel and nod the head.

Cammed_Wheel.stl 840.1KB
Dead_Wheel.stl 118.2KB
Doll_Head.stl 363.1KB
Foliot_Arm_and_Rods.stl 169.0KB
Forward_stability_and_wheel_well.stl 85.5KB
Front_wheel_assembly.stl 98.3KB
Just_the_arms.stl 429.8KB
Key_and_Gears_pt.2.stl 879.8KB
main_body_assembly.stl 193.5KB
Main_Gears_Pt._1.stl 2.2MB
MotiveSpring.stl 85.8KB
powered_wheel.stl 778.9KB
Shoulder_frame.stl 99.5KB
Teaplate.stl 544.0KB