I was looking for that fit my medieval party(wedding)... since i don't find what I have in my head the only solution remaining was to design it myself :)
Used to keep napkin and utensils together, for my use I've print them at 55% (plastic ustensils and paper napkin). For fabric napkin you would need to print them bigger...
It's really intensive over dual head switching... take about 1h to print in dual color at 55%
I've provided the stl for single and dual color printing... Enjoy!
Just Added a slim version of the 1 color version since there's no bi-mateial join, it dont need that thickness.
Designed using Freecad and the impressive Allcome's macro...
Final_Center_2_Color.stl | 426.3KB | |
Final_Ring_2_Color.stl | 810.6KB | |
Final_Roll_1_Color.stl | 782.3KB | |
Final_Roll_1_Color_Slim.stl | 811.4KB |