Customizable cabinet cutout box
- Author: Ruben Coolen
- Date: February 16th 2021
- Current version: 1.1
Update 1.1 - February 17th 2021
- Added an option fitting type to choose a different fitting type: clamps (snap-fit).
The clamps may not tighten your box very tightly due to different wood panel thicknesses. - Added an option add edge to add an extra 5 mm around the edges to cover any imperfections in the jigsaw hole of the wood panel.
This is a box made to extend a part of the back wall of a cabinet.
This can be used for instance to allow for more travel for a heated 3D printer bed.
Normal supports are needed for the 4 screw plates of the box. The lid doesn't need supports.
The photographs shown on this page are from a previous version without an inner shim and without nut catches.
Pre-customized STL's
There's some pre-customized STL's available:
- Width x height: 100mm, depth 50mm, no nut catch
- Width x height: 100mm, depth 50mm, M3 nut catch
- Width x height: 100mm, depth 50mm, M4 nut catch
- Width x height: 100mm, depth 50mm, M5 nut catch
- Width x height: 100mm, depth 50mm, M6 nut catch
Customizable settings
Render settings
- What part(s) do you want to render?
- Variable name: parts
- Default value: Box and lid
- Options:
- Box and lid
- Only box
- Only lid
Box settings
Box outer depth
- Variable name: box_depth
- Default value: 50
Box outer width/cutout width (required opening + 4x box thickness + 1mm)
- Variable name: box_width
- Default value: 90
Box outer height/cutout height (required opening + 4x box thickness + 1mm)
- Variable name: box_height
- Default value: 90
Wall thickness
- Variable name: box_thickness
- Default value: 2
- Options: range of 1 to 5
Screw plate thickness
- Variable name: plate_thickness
- Extra information: thickness of the 4 screw plates on the box.
- Default value: 3
- Options: range of 1 to 5
Bore hole diameter
- Variable name: plate_bore
- Extra information: diameter of the holes in the 4 screw plates on the box.
- Default value: 4
- Options: range of 3 to 10
Use a hexagonal nut catch in the screw plate
- Variable name: nut_type
- Extra information: this setting adds a nut catch in the 4 screw plates on the box. This allows to insert a nut so that a bolt can be tightened from just the inside of the cabinet.
- Default value: No nut catch
- Options:
- No nut catch
- M3 nut catch
- M4 nut catch
- M5 nut catch
- M6 nut catch
Nut catch depth
- Variable name: nut_depth
- Extra information: depth of the hexagonal nut catch. This is added to the screw plate thickness.
- Default value: 6
Fitting type
- Variable name: fitting_type
- Extra information: use a snap-fit clamping system or screw plates? Warning: the clamping system might not be entirely tight, depending on your cabinet wall thickness. Warning: the wall thickness will default to 3 when this option is chosen!
- Default value: Screw plates
- Options:
- Screw plates
- Clamps
- Add extra edge
- Variable name: add_edge
- Extra information: Add an extra 5 mm around the edges to cover the jigsaw hole.
- Default value: True
Text settings
Text to engrave into the back wall
- Variable name: text_message
- Default value: Customize me
Font size
- Variable name: text_size
- Default value: 12
Text rotation (degrees)
- Variable name: text_rotation
- Default value: 45
- Options: range of 0 to 360
- Text depth
- Variable name: text_depth
- Extra information: use a larger value than the wall thickness for a through-hole
- Default value: 1