This remix works togehter with the "Cat toy playing board pegs play". Use the middlepart to make the playingboard taller as you wish. Minimum for a board 4x cat_puzzle_round_v1.stl
This game board for cats is a great way to keep cats busy. Just print 4 oft the stl modell an klick them together. It is supposed to be a snug fit.
Then put some of your cats favorite snacks inside and watch them geting it.
My cat is rather small (3kg) so you eventually need to scale the pices in slicer up:
original size for cats up to 4kg (tested)
120% for cats up to 6kg (estimation)
If you are not sure about the size print out just one pice and test if your cat can fit her paws through.
Finished board with 4 pices at 100%scale is about 20x20cm.
cat_puzzle_round_middlepart_v1.stl | 455.4KB | |
cat_puzzle_round_V1.stl | 502.9KB |