A few years back I designed a cat shaped phone/tablet stand. https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2582109
I have seen that a lot of people have downloaded it but have not had a lot of feedback on the print. Last week someone said it did not print well and had uneven bottom layers. When I looked the file did have flaws so I thought I would fix it, but of course while fixing it, I realized I could design it much better now that I know more (and have some better software).
So this is the result. It is bigger and takes about 3x as long to print, but I like the design much better. And since this one does not have the cut out in its back it looks much cuter just sitting on a shelf.
It still has a channel for a charging cord to run through the front paws to the device.
Printed flat on its side in PLA it does not need support.
218mm x 174mm x 35mm
catphone3.stl | 698.3KB |