Wow, I didn't expect people to see this so soon! I'm working on a file for the actually bridge now, hold off on printing! This is my first 3D project worth noting, and I've been working on it since yesterday while sick. The building in the middle is lagging on my laptop so that may take a little longer than expected
I'll be working on a contest for a bit, so specific updates will take some time! It should be working, though I'm concerned about the spool's hole size. If there is a problem then let me know and I'll take a break and fix it!
The drawbridge will be attached to the top of the ironclad gate, so when the bridge drops, it opens. How to assemble after print is under "Instructions" tab
castle_9.18.15.stl | 35.0MB | |
castle_drawbridge.stl | 9.0MB | |
pieces.stl | 10.6MB |