UPDATE: This design has a weakpoint which I have corrected in my next iteration. The new design, though very similar, is not compatible. See: http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1014933
DESCRIPTION: I am working on constructing an interconnecting castle set. This can be printed without support material. There is a central piece with a gate, and various wall sections that interlock. I plant to add more pieces such as a larger tower, gate piece, etc.
castle.SLDPRT | 169.8KB | |
castle.STL | 470.1KB | |
castle_stairs.SLDPRT | 57.2KB | |
castle_stairs.STL | 16.6KB | |
castle_wall.SLDPRT | 146.1KB | |
castle_wall_-_center.STL | 261.1KB | |
castle_wall_-_ends.STL | 217.9KB | |
castle_wall_-_left.STL | 222.4KB | |
castle_wall_-_pointed_arch.STL | 286.5KB | |
castle_wall_-_right.STL | 236.6KB | |
castle_wall_-_round_arch.STL | 284.3KB | |
castle_wall_-_split.SLDPRT | 172.6KB | |
castle_wall_-_split.STL | 388.2KB |