2022 Update: This thing gets too much attention. I've made this in 2013 for a thingiverse competition using Sketchup. This is poorly made and hardly printable. Two people have made this as far as I know and it looks great! They did some mods. There are more suitable printable "caravans" on this site please do not use this unless you know it might fail! :P
Please if anyone print, take photo and I'll add them to this "thing" and write your name here.
Simple "camping" birdhouse. Let your birds get the camping feeling. The size is designed for norwegian small birds. Should shield the entrence with metal so it wont be "hacked" into by bigger birds to save the small :)
Sorry about the tire on the wrong side. The hinge was ment to be on the other side.. but the design made it go on the other side again.. so .. yep ..
caravan_body.stl | 218.7KB | |
caravan_body_split1.stl | 118.8KB | |
caravan_body_split2.stl | 113.9KB | |
caravan_entrence.stl | 207.4KB | |
caravan_entrence_split1.stl | 110.1KB | |
caravan_entrence_split2.stl | 125.9KB | |
caravan_full.stl | 1.1MB | |
caravan_hitch.stl | 9.0KB | |
caravan_plug.stl | 50.1KB | |
caravan_wheel.stl | 232.2KB |