The file 'Candy Dispenser 3D Printer Model' is (stl,stp,ai) file type, size is 3.2 MB.
A nice and beautiful candy dispenser for your office, home or wherever!
Mounted on the edge of a table it's always within reach for your next dose of candy. It even comes with two sizes of barrels so you can choose the amount of candy it gives out.
The candy dispenser is not only easy to use but also easy to build! It consists of only 7 parts, only few additional hardware (screws) and the assembly is really a breeze.
All parts are built with the tolerances to build it on a Makerbot Rep2 so it should give you a working dispenser on any comparable machine.
I included the source geometry as a .stp file for you to tinker with.
Can't wait to see your builds!
barrel_large_portion.stl |
barrel_small_portion.stl |
body_lower_part.stl |
body_upper_part.stl |
clamp.stl |
clamp_stamp.stl |
container.stl |
dispenser_assembly.stp |
lid.stl |
stencils.AI |