An assembly to use my Sweex USB web camera with the Vertex K8400 3D printer.
Initially, I had intended to use only the camera mount & the base components - turned out the camera was way to close to the printer and I'd only be able to see the center area of the build. Not good enough... :-)
Added a set of 3 arms, which gives the camera a nice range of adjustability - now I can make any angle I need. Drawback was, that with this height, the narrow base turned out to be insufficiently stable. Right.
Solved that, by adding a sort of a dock for the base - which seems to have solved the issues: it's working quite alright, now.
Now there's only 1 thing left to do... sort out the lighting...
I'm currently printing with white PLA and with that very white material sitting on the thoroughly black build plate, that's a bit too much contrast for the Sweex to handle.
Never a dull day... :-)
Camera_mount.step | 233.6KB | |
Camera_mount.stl | 102.2KB | |
camera_mount_arm.step | 279.9KB | |
camera_mount_arm.stl | 67.7KB | |
Camera_mount_base.step | 325.6KB | |
Camera_mount_base.stl | 51.4KB | |
camera_mount_dock.step | 238.5KB | |
camera_mount_dock.stl | 18.2KB |