For an idea how to paint hobbes, google for file f41f1431f7592f37d6f02f77ca2ffdf6.png
I suggest to paint the tigers back and tail with a light milk chocolate and use very dark chocolate for the stripes, nose and eye
Would like to see photos from someone who is not such a fail in arts/painting as me ;-)
But the cutters worked nicely with a shortcrust dough such as:
250 gr. flour
90 gr. sugar
125 gr. butter
1 medium egg
Knead it by hand. It will be very dry and crumbly at first, don't worry, it takes some time and effort to get a proper dough and 3d printed cutters are not as sharp as sheet metal ones from the store, so the right consistency is somewhat critical.
calvin.stl | 288.2KB | |
hobbes.stl | 595.0KB |