Cake Candle Holder 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY
File formats: stl,scad
Download type: zip

The file 'Cake Candle Holder 3D Printer Model' is (stl,scad) file type, size is 5.3MB.


Support for all the candles on a birthday cake.
Dress candles in advance.

Fully customisable :

  • Up to 3 rings,
  • Center candle or not,
  • Size of the rings to fit cake,
  • Candles are harmoniously placed on each ring.
    Advise : try to balance the ring radiuses according to candles number.

  • Example (Photo) : 40th birthday : 1 ring of 13 candles, one external double sized ring with 26 candles, and one candle in center. Ring radiuses : 35 and 70 mm
  • Example 2 (Photo) : 12th birthday : 12 candles on a single 100 mm ring radius.
  • Example 3 (Photo) : 76th birthday : 1, 12, 25, 38 candles on 40, 80 and 120 mm ring radiuses. The candles samples have different diameters (5 to 7 mm) and fit the supports.
  • Example 4 (Photo) : 8th birthday : 3 and 5 candles on two ring (radiuses : 35 and 70 mm). N
    o candle on center.

Edit November 30 2015
Now you can customize it online using Customizer. Click the "Open in Customizer" button.

Run openSCAD,

  • Open the scad file,
  • Change the candles number parameter per ring,
  • Change size of rings according to your cake and candles numbers (warning : enter radiuses not diameters !),
  • Render,
  • Export as STL.

Print !

  • Very slowly. The walls are very thin and we need precision. My Slic3r parameters are : 60mm/s and less for the first layer (30mm/s) and external perimeters.
  • 0.2 mm thickness is good. 99% infill (there is only a tiny infill under each candle).

Buy or bake a cake.
Buy candles (standard ones, 6 mm diameter but support can be customised that way).
Invite some friends or family.

Put candles on freshly printed support.

Light up candles
Sing 'Happy Birthday' all together
Take pictures.
Blow candles.

Repeat ;-)

Eat cake.

Post your cake pictures on Thingiverse "I made one" section.

bougies12.stl 3.0MB
bougies18.stl 4.5MB
bougies30.stl 7.5MB
bougies40.stl 10.0MB
bougies43.stl 10.7MB
bougies79.stl 19.6MB
candles_support.scad 3.6KB