Bunny With An Attitude Mold 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-NC-SA
File formats: stl,scad
Download type: zip

The file 'Bunny With An Attitude Mold 3D Printer Model' is (stl,scad) file type, size is 236.8KB.


This is a mold version of Tanya Wiesner's Attitude Bunny. The mold was printed on a Makerbot Replicator 1 Dual. .25mm Layer height 2 shells 10% infill in PLA.

I use Oogoo for casting attitude Bunny and you can find the recipient here:

http://www.instructables.com/id/How-To-Make-Your-Own-Sugru-Substitute/ Oogoo sets in less than 10 minutes so printing molds is a great way to build an army fast :). Add a few drops of essential oil to the mix and after a few days your object will smell like that instead of vinegar. Have fun.

attitudeBunny_mold.stl 2.3MB
mold-generator.scad 5.7KB