Replacement lock clip / clasp for the bubba brand Flo water bottle. Their website is This clasp acts as a backup to the lock that holds the lid closed. In the US you can buy a replacement lid for $5. I'm living overseas, so this was kind of like an astronaut on Mars designing and printing a needed replacement part. Never mind the fact that I could have just visited the local supermarket and bought a new bottle of another brand. This was a fun challenge for me and extended the useful life of the bottle to the delight of my teen who uses it daily.
I sketched this clip using Autodesk Fusion 360. It was my first CAD project in many years and I was impressed with the powerful software that is now available to the hobbyist for free. Amazingly the clasp fit perfectly first print and the PLA held up for six months going through the dishwasher five times a week! I sliced it with Simplify3D using medium PLA settings (0.2 mm layer thickness, 100% infill), and printed on a Flash Forge Creative Pro printer. I just finished reprinting in ABS. The ABS was warping and the pegs were really bad until I turned the temperature down, then I got a usable print but it was not as precise as the PLA. I need to adjust my temp settings more and maybe add custom supports under the pegs. For some reason the monogram on the sketch did not show up on the .stl file. Any ideas why?
WaterBottleClip.stl | 142.5KB |