Briggs And Stratton Flywheel Wrench 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-SA
File formats: STL
Download type: zip

The file 'Briggs And Stratton Flywheel Wrench 3D Printer Model' is (STL) file type, size is 10.5KB.


This is a wrench for removing and installing the starter clutch (which acts also as a nut for flywheel).

Fits at least for horizontal engine models produced in the 1970s (as seen in the picture).

Printed with cheap Anycubic Mega Zero -3D printer, as a draft with infill density 100%.

Material is PLA, printing temperature 200 degree (celsius).

Printing time approximately 14 hours. STL file converted with Ultimaker Cura 5.6.0.

Please feel free to give comments. :)

At least for me this was helpful, because it's difficult to find tools for these old engines in Finland.

Best regards,

Uncle Nick

Briggs_and_Stratton_flywheel_wrench.STL 52.6KB