Box With Hexagonal Holes 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY
File formats: scad,stl
Download type: zip

The file 'Box With Hexagonal Holes 3D Printer Model' is (scad,stl) file type, size is 75.7KB.


This is a derivative of thing:21358, Parametric Decorated Box. Material has been removed from all six sides leaving holes that form a hexagonal pattern - see image at the left.

An interesting fact about the Thingomatic is that plastic is saved if holes are cut in the model; there is no waste, no shavings to throw away. Netfabb Studio reports that the holed box plus lid has a volume of 16.5 cubic centimeters while the solid box plus lid has a volume of 24.5 cubic centimeters; a saving in material of about 30%. The hexagonal pattern makes the box an attractive and interesting object rather like those pad and pencil holders sold in office supply stores that are made of wire mesh.

Three stl files are included:

box_with_holes_05.stl, basic box with holes on all five sides
box_with_holes_04.stl, the box with a solid bottom and holes on four sides
lid_with_holes.stl, the lid with holes

Two scad files are included

box_with_holes.scad, the file which made the two boxes
see comments in the file
lid_with_holes.scad, the file which makes the lid

The openSCAD forms used to make the holes were constructed from three dimensional hexagons properly positioned in a larger hexagonal array. Thus the unsubtracted material forms the desired graphite like structure - see thing:13672.

box_with_holes.scad 4.3KB
box_with_holes_04.stl 373.9KB
box_with_holes_05.stl 581.0KB
lid_with_holes.scad 2.1KB
lid_with_holes.stl 176.4KB
