Bottle Opener – 3Dponics Home And Garden 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-SA
File formats: obj,STL
Download type: zip

The file 'Bottle Opener – 3Dponics Home And Garden 3D Printer Model' is (obj,STL) file type, size is 331.5KB.


Put those pennies to good use and crack open a beer with the 3Dponics Bottle Opener! Just slide a penny into the slot provided and use as you would a traditional bottle opener! Know how to make this part better? Have ideas for new parts? Visit our website ( and join our Google+ community ( to take 3Dponics to the next level!

Want to know how much it would cost to print this part? Visit and compare prices from today's top 3D-printing services.

3Dponics-Bottle-Opener.obj 752.0KB
3Dponics-Bottle-Opener.STL 560.0KB