this is not invented by me!!
the original invention belongs to Mark Manger
You can buy the original made from aluminium here: https://www.gropener.com/
I made a remix from the printable version you can find here: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:269463
I made the whole thing a bit thicker so the coin is now completely held inside the print.
I did this solely because for my findings it gives the bottle opener a lot more strength in the weakest spot which is around the coin.
you can print this without any supports.
in my case I find no need for superglue to hold the coin in place as I added a small undercut to hold the coin.
The coin used is a 1 cent euro coin!
Version info:
V1 is for use with a coin but without a magnet to hold the bottle cap
V2 is for use with a coin and a magnet to hold the bottle cap
You will need some super glue to hold the magnet in place
I used this kind of magnet: https://www.amazon.de/Magnetastico-K%C3%BChlschrankmagnet-Pinnwandmagnet-Dauermagnet-Scheibenmagnet/dp/B00Z84F6KC/ref=sr_1_6?keywords=neodym+6x2&qid=1676639983&sprefix=neodym+6%2Caps%2C95&sr=8-6
bottle_opener_RD_V1.stl | 4.9MB | |
bottle_opener_RD_V2.stl | 4.9MB |