Bottle Dryer With Dowel Arms 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY
File formats: stl,123dx
Download type: zip

The file 'Bottle Dryer With Dowel Arms 3D Printer Model' is (stl,123dx) file type, size is 1.4MB.


Update: I included an Autodesk 123D file so you can customize your dowel holes.
Resize the dowel in the 3d file to the right diameter, pattern in a circle around the origin axis I created with 8 copies, and then subtract the dowels from the base.

This is a segmented bottle tree for drying my flip top bottles after cleaning.

The bottle tree this work is based off of has a great base but the arms are flimsy.
I gave up on the printed arms. They are very weak unless you print the thing very solid which takes too much time and plastic. The base and central column are very strong even printed with 10% infill.

By making holes to insert wooden dowels as arms we reduce the print time and reduce plastic, and you can fit multiple arm segments on most print beds. Win win win :D

I used 6.3mm*30cm diameter dowels from the dollar store, cut in half. I you have larger or smaller dowels. you could probably use the scaling function in your slicer to make the holes fit. If you want super high performance, use hollow carbon rods instead! ;)


bottle-tree-base-arm.stl 5.2KB
bottle-tree-base.stl 1.3MB
bottle-tree-segment-tall-dowels.123dx 497.3KB
bottle-tree-segment-tall-dowels.stl 1.8MB