Boosters For Estes Modular Rocket 3D Printer Model

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Stackable Rocket Booster set

Add-on stackable boosters to fit my Modular Rocket. Requires the base kit, download from

Designed for use with Estes rocket motors which are either 18mm or 24mm in diameter.

  1. If you have a single engine stage on your rocket then use B-6, C-6 or D-6 motors.
  2. If you have one or more booster stages then use booster stage motors (B-0, C-0 or D-0). Use upper stage motors B-7, C-7 or D-7 in the top rocket fin can.

You can buy the rocket motors on the internet or at good model shops. Information about the motors including safety instructions are available at the Estes website. Download the latest Estes Catalogue which includes a chart of the different rocket motor specifications.

  • Fin_18_booster_18 takes five 18mm diameter motors
  • Fin_24_booster_18 takes one 24mm diameter motor and four 18mm diameter motors
  • Fin_24_booster_24 takes five 24mm diameter motors

These should be a loose fit into upper stages in order to fall away once burned. I do not have a large enough safe area to test the booster stages so if you build this project then please post a video on Youtube and message a link to me.

Also included with this release are twist fin-cans:

  • Fin_18_twist for 18mm motors
  • Fin_24_twist for 24mm motors

to spin your rocket for added stability. You should always check that the centre of gravity of your rocket (where it balances longitudinally on your finger) is nearer to the nose of your rocket than the centre of pressure (the point where the rocket would not weather-cock one way or the other in a side wind);

Finally I include a heavier nose-cone than the one included with my basic rocket kit. You can increase weight of the nose-cone by adjusting the infill percentage for improved stability if this is required.

Fin_18_booster_18.stl 459.0KB
Fin_18_twist.stl 215.2KB
Fin_24_booster_18.stl 485.1KB
Fin_24_booster_24.stl 587.9KB
Fin_24_twist.stl 234.0KB
Nosecone_ogive_small.stl 91.7KB