Blackout Spider Hex Landing Gear 2 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY
File formats: stl
Download type: zip

The file 'Blackout Spider Hex Landing Gear 2 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 72.0KB.


Just created an alternative version for a blackout spider hex landing gear.
If you want to, u can add some 6mm carbon tubes. This landing gear is just for the protection of the battery. No GoPro can be mounted ATM, perhaps there will be an update for a gopro mount later...

Just print out the landing gear 2 times, then 4 spacer and u are done. U also need some longer screws > 25mm length, to get this landing gear mounted.

Wanna add a gimbal?
No problem:
using a Storm 32 Gimbal Controller and MotorPixie Mini Gimbal:

Tarot Gimbal:

tb_spider_landingGear_v2.stl 211.0KB
tb_spider_landingGear_v2_spacer.stl 12.6KB