I created this a while a ago - and in a hurry, creating a riddle around the birthday numbers.
In order to reuse the riddle numbers I added a cake.
The Cake, Icing, Candles and Numbers print separately and are glued together.
The colors for the Candles are simply done by a color change at a certain layerheight (a couple of layers black, next yellow, finally red).
The brown I had is PETG and the skin is printed concentric (Cura).
The font I used is Cooper Black and I printed the numbers 4mm thick and they are approx 25mm high - pretty nice to the touch with a chamfer of 0.4mm. Fusion lets you increase chamfer for some numbers, not all - I noticed that it also can disallow you 0.8 and 0.6, while it will allow 0.7 or 0.63...
I've added the (messy) Fusion 360 files for you to peak or customize more easily.
-.stl | 148.1KB | |
0.stl | 216.3KB | |
1.stl | 252.4KB | |
2.stl | 278.3KB | |
3.stl | 334.1KB | |
4.stl | 232.8KB | |
5.stl | 267.4KB | |
6.stl | 269.4KB | |
7.stl | 160.2KB | |
8.stl | 336.1KB | |
9.stl | 272.2KB | |
CakeBaseBrownPETG.stl | 653.0KB | |
Cake_v5.f3d | 4.7MB | |
CandlesInLayers.stl | 1.9MB | |
IcingWhitePLA.stl | 336.5KB | |
Numbers.f3d | 2.7MB |