Bird House Tree Ornament 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY
File formats: blend,stl
Download type: zip

The file 'Bird House Tree Ornament 3D Printer Model' is (blend,stl) file type, size is 511.6KB.


A simple bird house meant as a tree ornament. It is inspired by Wingspan houses here in Thingiverse. It has a cutout to put a plate with your own design. A blank plate is included along with one with sample text. Use the plate to add you own text or design.

Bird_House_Base.blend 1.2MB
Bird_House_Placa.blend 1.1MB
Bird_House_Plate_Blank.stl 19.4KB
Bird_House_Plate_Text.stl 295.0KB
Bird_House_Tree_Ornament.stl 46.4KB