This project was made so that you could make binaural recordings which are recordings that are very realistic sounding. These recordings are only realistic sounding because they are recorded in a similar way that people hear sound. Also these recordings are only realistic sounding when listening with good headphones.
An example of a binaural recording done with this thanks to Shepshepard ( is:
I'm designer for shapeways here:
ear_left.stl | 3.7MB | |
ear_right.stl | 3.7MB | |
main_body.ipt | 285.5KB | |
main_body.stl | 65.6KB | |
nut_holder.ipt | 91.0KB | |
nut_holder.stl | 11.6KB | |
side_parts.ipt | 296.0KB | |
side_parts.stl | 422.2KB | |
thumb_screw_top_.ipt | 370.5KB | |
thumb_screw_top_.stl | 250.7KB | |
top.ipt | 117.0KB | |
top.stl | 72.3KB |