Bike Chain Holder 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-SA
File formats: docx,skp,stl,3mf
Download type: zip

The file 'Bike Chain Holder 3D Printer Model' is (docx,skp,stl,3mf) file type, size is 213.1KB.


The lock of the bike has a chain connected to it which is stored in the bicycle bag. Over time the bag is wearing out due to the weight of the chain. To solve this I made this clamp. It fits the Brinkers Brisbane ebike. As long as the diamter of the frame where you connect this clamp is about 14 mm, then it should fit. When the frame has a smaller diameter, use some tape to increase the diameter of the frame before mounting. There is a notch to prevent the clamp to turn.
Print in PLA with 60% infill.
Print the parts on the side to prevent the need for support.

01_Brinckers_Brisbane_E-Bike_hangslot_beugel.docx 17.9KB
Brinckers_Brisbane_E-Bike_hangslot_beugel_0.2.skp 253.3KB
Brinckers_Brisbane_E-Bike_hangslot_beugel_bovenkant_0.1.stl 83.7KB
Brinckers_Brisbane_E-Bike_hangslot_beugel_merged_parts_0.1.3mf 38.4KB
Brinckers_Brisbane_E-Bike_hangslot_beugel_merged_parts_0.2.stl 172.4KB