Bender Bending Rodriguez mini figure in 1:10 scale.
EDIT: If possible, use upgraded parts under remixes tab.
It took four redesigns for limb parts (and shoulders, and hips). And the final ones are not the best. Strength is good, but wear is fast. My goal was not to place limb parts to vertically for better visual quality but place these horizontally for better strenght.
If someone figures out better way to design strong limb parts, then it would by nice.
All parts designed to print with 0.2mm layer height. This means, that all vertical dimensions are designed by 0.2mm step. So 0.2mm & 0.1mm layer height is optimal, 0.15mm or similar may affect printed model. This is only my recommendation.
All parts printed without support.
Only part that requires brim is mouth.
No glue or screws needed.
Because I made it quite modular, some parts got very small. Use tweezers or toothpick if needed.
Assembly tip: limb_1.stl 2 pcs; limb_2.stl 5 pcs per limb; about antennas - you need to try yourself, wich one is perfect for you.
antenna_t1.stl |
antenna_t2.stl |
antenna_t3.stl |
eyes_bracket_x2.stl |
eyes_frame.stl |
eyes_frame_inner.stl |
eyes_type_1.stl |
eyes_type_2.stl |
finger.stl |
foot.stl |
hand.stl |
head.stl |
hip.stl |
knob.stl |
knob_bracket.stl |
limb_1.stl |
limb_2.stl |
mouth.stl |
mouth_w_hole.stl |
neck.stl |
shoulder.stl |
shoulder_bracket_x2.stl |
sigar.stl |
torso.stl |