Belt Buckle With Removable Bar 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY
File formats: stl
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The file 'Belt Buckle With Removable Bar 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 50.0KB.


Just a simple belt buckle (the kind sold as "tactical belt" on the net). It comes in two flavors: One is a plain, classic belt buckle (V003; the lose end goes in on one side and comes out the other), the other more like a strap tightener (V005; with the lose end coming out the same side).

The special thing about it is that you can easily attach the buckle to an existing belt (i.e. a belt which has a loop from an old buckle) as the bar is removable. In my experience the main problem with replacing belt buckles is that most of the time you would have to sew a new loop to attach the new buckle. Not with this design.

  • Scale and print the bar and the actual buckle
  • Remove the old buckle
  • Put the printed bar through the loop in the belt
  • Insert the ends of the bar (and belt) into the openings on the buckle
  • You can add a drop of glue but it works very well without

...and of course, these buckles will take you through the metal detectors at the airport without having to remove your belt.

Printed at 100% the buckle fits a 40 mm belt but can easily be scaled to any size you need (e.g. at 62.5% it fits a 25 mm belt).

Preferably print in ABS but PLA should work pretty well too.

Hope you like it. Enjoy!

Belt_Buckle_Bar_40mm.stl 1.3KB
Belt_Buckle_V003_40mm.stl 58.7KB
Belt_Buckle_V005_40mm_updated.stl 65.5KB