Beehive Colony Labels 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY
File formats: skp,stl
Download type: zip

The file 'Beehive Colony Labels 3D Printer Model' is (skp,stl) file type, size is 444.0KB.


I produced these for hanging on my beehives to identify a colony - useful for consistent record keeping. I've uploaded a blank version so different numbers can be used.

Using your favourite gcode generation programme combine the relevant title and number to the blank label plate to generate the relevant gcode file for printing. The reason I keep the text and number separate from the label plate is so I can I print the text in a different PLA color to the base label plate which works well.

Using the Sketch project you can use the 3D text plugin to generate different text.

Labels_Beehive-template.skp 698.3KB
Labels_Beehives_blanke_thinner.stl 243.9KB
Labels_Beehive_1.stl 303.7KB
Labels_Beehive_2.stl 345.9KB
Labels_Beehive_3.stl 376.0KB
Labels_Beehive_4.stl 309.7KB
Labels_Beehive_5.stl 357.3KB
Labels_Beehive_6.stl 385.6KB