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Beehemoth.blend | 712.0KB | |
Beehemoth_for_Shapeways.stl | 932.7KB | |
Beehemoth_Left_Side.stl | 540.9KB | |
Beehemoth_one_piece.stl | 911.0KB | |
Beehemoth_Right_Side.stl | 540.9KB | |
Beehemoth_split.blend | 746.1KB | |
Beehemoth_split_up_for_Shapeways.stl | 1.1MB | |
Beehemoth_Stand.stl | 21.8KB | |
Queen_Beehemoth.blend | 1.4MB | |
Queen_Beehemoth.stl | 1.1MB | |
Queen_Beehemoth_Left_Side.stl | 664.7KB | |
Queen_Beehemoth_Right__Side.stl | 664.7KB | |
Queen_Beehemoth_Split_Up.blend | 1.4MB | |
Queen_Beehemoth__Stand.stl | 488.4KB |