Bed Riser 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-SA
File formats: FCStd,step,stl
Download type: zip

The file 'Bed Riser 3D Printer Model' is (FCStd,step,stl) file type, size is 55.5KB.


I need a small bed riser. The bed riser has legs that come in sections and screw on. I wasn't exactly sure how far I needed the rise. The base riser is 3/4 inch rise, and can hold a leg up to 62 mm in diameter. The shim can go in between the leg sections and raise an additional 1/4 inch. The diameter of the shim is 60 mm and has an edge the leg sets on 8 mm. The inner diameter of the hole for the screw is 8.4 mm. Included step files in case anyone wants to make changes.
I added the freecad drawings so this can be easily edited. Go to the spreadsheets to change the values.

I have printed this with petg and 40% infill. I am currently using the base and one shim. I will update this if I have to reprint with higher infill settings.

BedRiser-Combined.FCStd 36.4KB
BedRiser.75_inch.step 5.6KB
BedRiser.75_inch.stl 49.1KB
BedRiser_.25_inch_shim.step 27.3KB
BedRiser_.25_inch_shim.stl 32.5KB