Bed Maker Mattress Lifter Split For Smaller Print Beds 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-SA
File formats: stl
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The file 'Bed Maker Mattress Lifter Split For Smaller Print Beds 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 375.7KB.


My mother really wanted something like this to help her lift her mattress at home. Rather than buy one 3d printing to the rescue.

The original is however too large for my print bed (Prusa i3 mk3) so I have split it using a dovetail in the middle to help retain the strength of the object.Is it together

I'm having to use supports for the overhang on the dovetail but other than that everything is the same as on the original design. The dovetail is tight, but with a little bit of shaving off material and frankly stamping on the thing, it went together really well and does the job nicely.

Happy printing.


The original was a touch small so I've scaled it up to 150% height and 125% on everything else. This change was pretty useful and I did it on the solid model to save on support material

easy_bed_maker_-_solid_125_150_split.stl 265.2KB
easy_bed_maker_v3_split.stl 589.1KB