Battery Cases For 2 NP-FW50 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-SA
File formats: stl
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The file 'Battery Cases For 2 NP-FW50 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 328.8KB.


Hey everyone, if you like to collect NP-FW50 batteries as i do by pairs for my cameras, so you'll enjoy this remix i made from the dditzler's battery cases available there :

i like the holes to help to pull out the batteries in case if it's stuck ; that gaves to me the idea to try a case for 2 batteries one on other btw, and after the face-2-face without to have use some glue ! ^^

i used PLA (grey) and PLA+ (white pale) to try different print results, still with a 100% infill

however, you can print the case "one on other" without support but you'll need to put some supports on a side to print the 2nd model "face-to-face"

Battery-case_face2face.stl 3.1MB
Battery-case_one-on-other.stl 950.8KB