Basic Container Project: Corners 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY
File formats: stl
Download type: zip

The file 'Basic Container Project: Corners 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 107.2KB.


It is the same principle as the Basic Trailer Project:
You can combine standard parts to build containers the way you want.
There are four different corner types depending on what
container type you are building, flat, tank, closed or whatever.

Scale is 1/14, same as for trailer. Should fit Tamiya but haven't tested.

You always need the same amount of Corner and Corner_mirror, because the oval
hole in the corner should be longside in the upper and lower position of the container.
So if you are building a standard container you need to print four Corner_3 and
four Corner_3_mirror.

With Container_Corner_0 you don't need alu-profiles.
You can put containercorners on a piece of wood or whatever you like.

Link to Youtube:

Parts needed for containerframe:
Alu-profile 10x10x1mm
Small screws

Alu-profiles length for standard 20' and 40':
H: 161mm
W: 152mm
L 20': 403mm
L 40': 841mm

Container_Corner_0.stl 151.9KB
Container_Corner_0_mirror.stl 47.1KB
Container_Corner_1.stl 156.3KB
Container_Corner_1_mirror.stl 47.6KB
Container_Corner_2.stl 219.6KB
Container_Corner_2_mirror.stl 66.2KB
Container_Corner_3.stl 282.8KB
Container_Corner_3_mirror.stl 84.8KB
Drill_template_Container_frame.stl 23.0KB