Bar Clock 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-SA
File formats: stl
Download type: zip

The file 'Bar Clock 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 594.1KB.


I created this bar clock for a friend. The text insert, white keys, and clock ring are printed in white PETG, the rest is in black PETG. The outer ring is the clock. There are 12 cells. Hours are solid, minutes fade in and out. The innards were neopixels, a teensy LC, a chronodot, an adafruit bluefruitLE friend, a dc/dc converter, and some still being worked on arduino code. The bottom has openings for the DC power jack and a USB port for easy programming.

Feel free to modify this however you want. Contact me if you want the arduino code I used to power this.

black_keys_and_sign.stl 744.3KB
clock_ring.stl 141.7KB
component_plate.stl 560.2KB
outer_ring.stl 140.6KB
rear_cover.stl 172.5KB
text_insert.stl 130.9KB
white_keys.stl 29.1KB