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Listing #98, the Ioannis Research Station. Designed to appear much older than the rest of the B5 models; Ioannis is the first Scientific Test & Development Station for Earth Force. The birth place of the Universes Earth born Ships, Stations, Materials, you name it. Guarded by its secrecy alone the Station would be most likely relatable to “Area 51” but with an enigmatic “Duga 1” or “Woodpecker” Soviet Array vibe. Intentionally modeled to portray the story line of the Station with the repetitive yet dogmatic use of geometry. The Image if you will of a testing site, laboratory site, development site for perfecting the mechanics of artificial gravity and studying space worthiness of prototype Space born technology.
This is where all other models would be derived from. Firstly, looking front to back, we see a familiar forward Babylon Blue Sector apparatus. This would be the only entrance and exit point of the station. Ahead and behind Midship region, you’ll find 2 spheres on either side, the first 2 are to test / measure / develop technology inside the station in different gravity environments. The Aft Spheres for testing inside of different simulated Planetary environments with the Midships being a manufacturing prototype center, monopolizing on the 0G center, or zero gravity area, and then gradually having work pieces moved outward for assembly, then to controlled rectangular open to Space testing areas. These would be the equivalent of a controlled environment with the vacuum of space and all the infrared and variables able to interact with items produced. Rear, we find an early Fusion Reactor with the Solar Panels placed directly into them. In the Aft of the Station, you’ll also see a dish just grazing the exoskeleton portion of the fixed Superstructure. This interface is designed to study the physics of electrical interaction and interference of different metals subject to rotational forces on the Superstructure itself. The Station utilizes a center mounted axial spine as well. Indeed everything you see here is all one large experimental test in itself. The Outer 4 segmented rings are wound with cable to measure and test electromagnetics on housed materials within or effects on materials in terms of vicinity and distance from a controlled wave length or power level. Above and below you’ll see the outer Superstructure connecting the Station together and acting as cargo holds.
This model’s design intention is the intention to design. One could also imagine later on the cylindrical areas of the Babylon Stations themselves being mounted to the outer rings for testing and prototyping. If you were to live and work here, you’d never be able to tell anyone what you did, saw or experienced as Non-Disclosure Agreements, Commitments of Confidentiality along strict security protocols and frequent checks would be the fabric to sustain the Stations Mission. By this point in my alternative narrative, this station would be around 60 to 70 years old. Why is this Station appearing now? Well, at some point, I believe it only fair to have a model to commemorate the birth place of where it all would have started from beyond a desk on Earth. The true meat and potatoes of Scientific Science Fiction Invention & Engineering. Its location, unknown.
Personally I’ve never seen a science fiction publication of any kind have something of this scale on offer. So why not offer it. Does its design features resonate with you? Does its repetitive and odd geometric supporting and opposing looks spark your curiosity? That’s what this place, the Ioannis Station is all about. Ironic as well, as so many Earth Forces Design Intentions on a large scale (The Babylon 5 TV Universe) would see so much sabotage and failure. Yet so, even this place would still be intact. And, on that note, and to the very core, we see a repeating nature like a recognizable hum to an almost forgotten song we just can’t put our finger on. Named after the Greek God of graciousness and a famous Greek Architect; welcome to Ioannis Station. A place that can create, simulate, test, validate and design almost anything you can imagine.
Further notes: On the outer hull of the spheres you’ll notice raised rectangular structure, these represent the causeways or hallways and elevator tunnels to get from one area of the station to the next along with office space. You’ll find these feature arrayed around the spheres, the reasoning being dedication in between these features inside the spheres of test space per project and, further tight security provisions to keep knowledge contained to those individual projects. Also you’ll notice there is a conical petrusion emanating from the front facial of the forward docking bay, consider this the equivalency of a metal detector at an airport for security measures.
In retrospect with this model, I find its story line of longevity bolstered by an older observation on philosophy. History records the who did what where and how and in that itself, be changed, manipulated or destroyed by time. Yet secrets pass gently by unknown to the historian whom provides over facts and conclusions or blame. A secret, can always endure as individuals, we can only recall our own experiences individually and, that we also come and go parallel with time. And that, is the nature of survival of the Station. If you really really look at this deeply, you’ll find the layout in your imagination Im sure of what something this classified would look like. Yet since each persons view point is so different from one another’s, it remains, just as enigmatic as its design intends it to be. You just can’t put your finger on it.
An interesting question would be, how would this place survive telepathy, and Psi-Core? My guess is that it would be up to the people inside to figure that out as well.
UPDATE: The E.A.S. Apollo is now added to this page as Earth Forces Alternative Explorer Vessel. Consider it as a liaison to the Ioannis Station’s Researchers. A mobile platform for observation and measurement created upon thee same Star frame of the Station that created it. Designed for long duration scientific missions without the knowledge of Psi Core. A free standing non Military Vessel designed to tackle the races of the Rim.
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