Welcome back,
I know I said I was gonna step back; however there was just one last detail that was still kicking around in my mind. What if the Earth Minbari War was fought more proportional? What if the Battle of the Line was not an honors thing? What would we have seen the new Nova’s brought into the fight look like? A longer duration war adds time, and with more time comes innovation.
Well research and development’s budget would be slashed, and more more more would have been the easy direction to go with defense, offense and firepower in mind. More fighters, more guns and probably a change in tactics. You might imagine the Nova would get a make over which accomplished just that. The design would qualify if the Ship were to have the capabilities of the time to punch a whole through the defensive line and prepare for a full broadside to get to the next target, the supply lines. So yes, we’re tossing out all the other pre E/M War stuff I’ve done on this one, and sticking within the confines we watched. So I’m just tweaking it a little storyline wise here to answer a question I haven’t heard anyone else asking. Why, because thats were innovation is.
So with punching a hole through a battle line and keeping the hole open for more ships to file in and attack a supply depot or other significant target, I found this concept appealing. The forward launch bays on the Fore Section are a great first target, so I turned them 90 degrees and opened up the bay for both Port and Starboard Launch options, and defended that area. I decided leaving the Navigational equipment forward positionally in the Fore Section was a wise choice and, added quite a lot of firepower to back up the effort. The forward batteries are staggered in barrel length and position with a thick protective shielding structure. The reason for that is so 1, the batteries can still operate against laser fire if one is hit and 2, so mussel flash doesn’t create warpage and damage the compact arrangement over long duration salvo fire. So yes, sequential firing would be a necessity. I left the Midships alone and added 2 Batteries to the Stern to keep that hole open and keep costs a littttttttle bit lower.
It might result in a one way trip, but sometimes that happens. So this on map would probably allow a 3 prong engagement battle plan to exist. That would keep the Minbari on a defensive angle having to multi task targets coming in on different angles and providing the EF ships to keep the strategic advantage. I always say, do the thinking up front and stick to the Design Intent. This Remix’s Design Intent, it’s unapologetically intentional.
Love it, hate it, call me a blasphemest, but the verbiage has met the criteria, and the model is there.
Hades_Class_Heavy_Dreadnought_STL.stl | 3.9MB | |
Hades_Class_Surprise_Ambush.stl | 38.9MB |