The file 'Baby Yoda Mandalorian 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 23.0 MB.
It is the way.
Another Foundling might decide to take the way of the Mandalore.
Updated(11/27/2019): Better weapon version. Grips the blaster better.
Updated(12/8/2019): New no-visor version. Gonna be hell to print with supports. Also not merged so easier for re-mixers or if you want to try to print some parts separately and attach later. Both guns got a bit of scaling to make biggerstrongereasier to print.
yoda_manda_v2_s1m.stl |
yoda_manda_v3b_s1m.stl |
yoda_manda_v4d_s1b_r.stl |