Audio CD Case Stand (60°) 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-NC-SA
File formats: stl
Download type: zip

The file 'Audio CD Case Stand (60°) 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 43.8KB.


Those are stand to display your Audio CD Cases at a slight angle (60°).

There are 3 version:
-Concept il the first one, plain and pretty solid.
-v2 is the same as concept but with two holes to reduce print time and filament.
-v3 is the version with the least plastic, it deforms a little bit with heavier cd Cases.

For better printing result:
Print them on their sides, the two version can need support if you want.

The model can be used in two orientation, the first one is the one the model load to (small hook in bottom), the first stand position is at 60° (or 20°, depend on how you measure)

CD_Case_HolderV2.stl 177.2KB
CD_Case_HolderV3.stl 229.0KB
CD_Case_Holder_Concept.stl 19.0KB