This is a model based on the vintage Atomic Engine concept drawing. It is detailed and optimized to be printed in HO scale on an FDM printer. The body is sized for a Blue Box Athearn F-7 chassis. All parts are joined together with super glue.
The engine is modeled in HO scale, but Cura sometimes scales down the STL. In my case I had to scale it up 1000%. The body of the engine should be 185.2059mm in length.
AtomicEngineLowDetail_001.stl |
AtomicEngine_001.stl |
BodyLower_001.stl |
Body_Center_001.stl |
Cab_001.stl |
DoorSide_001.stl |
EndCap_001.stl |
Ladder_001.stl |
LowerAirIntake_001.stl |
PilotDetail_001.stl |
RamHood_001.stl |
Roof_001.stl |
UpperAirScoop_001.stl |