ATAT – For Casual X-Wing Gaming 3D Printer Model

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Need a AT-AT target for your U-Wing?

This is a low res model of an ATAT. It is scaled for X-Wing miniatures game. The model easily prints in six parts, Head, Body and four legs. They all snap together, (if you have trouble with the leg snaps, please see notes in post printing). The legs require virtually no supports. If you print the body upside down, support cleanup is minimal. No more breaking the legs trying to clean up the supports on those high res models.

The legs are timrbsnow's 1069981 ( nice, no support, model with snap ends. The body and head were developed from Kolo33's 215574 ( excellent high res version, and then converted to snap ends and simplified for the scale. The leg snaps were adapted from danzca6's 1144345 ( lego clone trooper arm snaps. I custom made the neck snap.

The body could use a little more simplification for the scale. But if you need a few ATAT models for your X-wing game, this is a easy to print and stable.

Printed on the M3D Micro

ATAT_-head_1.0_-_for_casual_X-Wing_Gaming.stl 2.4MB
ATAT_body_1.0_-_for_casual_X-Wing_Gaming.stl 3.0MB
ATAT_Leg_1.0_-_for_casual_X-Wing_Gaming.stl 710.0KB