Update 18 Mar 2019:
Had a few feedbacks indicating the support for the reset button not properly attached to the top case. Checked, and realized it is true in the STL file! My apologies. In my original 3D cad file, it was ok, but upon converting to STL, the gap appeared. I just found time to fix this by re-exporting to STL again. Seems ok now, and I also checked in Repetier too. So the new case_Top_20190318.stl should work.
Hope this fixes it.
This is a remix from www.thingiverse.com/thing:1765459.
This design allows the fan to be mounted inside the box. Also, added a push post (based on the post from www.thingiverse.com/thing:2414345) to access the reset button on the CNC shield. There are 2 options, either a flushed or protruding button on the post. Use the flushed button to avoid accidentally activating the reset.
The side supports have been reinforced for more sturdiness for both the top and bottom parts of the main case. the side plates offer a few options:
Feel free to tip if you like this! Thanks for your support.
case_Bottom.stl |
case_Top_20190318.stl |
ResetPost_Flush.stl |
ResetPost_Protrude.stl |
SidePlate.stl |
SidePlate_Power_MicroUSB.stl |
SidePlate_Power_USB.stl |
SidePlate_StepperCables.stl |