This is my mounting design for a digital thermometer to read the temperature of my aquarium.
It can be used everywhere you want, it just holds the display, letting the wire and the sensor to fall down and reach the place where you need to read the temperature.
It is design to fit thermometers like this one:
They can be found very cheap (1 or 2 €) also in AliExpress, Gearbest, Banggood... they are pretty much standard.
The basic mount is composed of 2 STL models:
If your display doesn't fit tightly, and is a bit lose, there is another STL:
I had to print both of the supplements because my thermometer arrived a bit damaged on the sides, but it stays very well with them.
At the back, it has enough space to save the extra wire it has, so you can control how many wire you want. It can be holded with the same cable it brings to keep all the wires together.
The clamp is removable, and can be changed for anything else, if it doesn't fit you needs, as long as the new mount fits the hole the box has at the bottom. It can be seen in the stl model, it's a square hole of 20 x 5 mm.
Hope you find it useful. Please comment if you have any doubt.
Box.stl | 14.3KB | |
Clamp.stl | 67.0KB | |
Supplement.stl | 684.0B |